3 Ways to Avoid Money Mistakes During Divorce

Divorce is complicated and very expensive. Read the 3 ways to avoid money mistakes during divorce, then call our lawyer for a free review.

3 Ways to Avoid Money Mistakes During DivorceDivorce is complicated — emotionally, legally and financially. Many of the decisions you make during the process, especially financial decisions, can affect you for decades. And a simple mistake can hurt your ability to save for retirement, buy a new home or car, or move on with your life.

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Focus on these three tips to help prevent common financial mistakes during divorce:

1. Keep the big picture in mind

It’s easy to forget that divorce is ultimately a business transaction, so you have to keep the big picture in mind. Prioritize the issues most important to you, and let go of the smaller battles.

Even in a simple divorce, you might have to pay attorneys, financial experts, therapists and other professionals. A highly contested divorce can be even more costly. Many expenses come from needlessly fighting over smaller concerns, which are inconsequential to…Read the entire article by Shawn Leamon on NerdWallet.com

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