Ignoring Alimony Payments

Is your ex-spouse ignoring alimony payments that had previously been ordered by the court? You will need an experienced New Jersey family law attorney to make sure that the order is enforced, and your rights protected. Contact our office today to schedule a free case review and consult with our compassionate and well-practiced attorneys.

Ignoring Alimony Payments | What Will Happen?

I recently was asked, as an experienced New Jersey family law attorney, what will happen if you or your ex-spouse decides to stop paying the court-ordered alimony payments. If this happens, the receiving spouse is required to file a motion that will enforce payment. The non-paying party could be placed in jail or have their driver’s license suspended for failure to pay.

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Ignoring Alimony Payments | What is Alimony?

One of the questions that is certain to come up in a divorce consultation addresses the issue of alimony. Alimony will generally be awarded when one spouse earns significantly more than the other. Several factors have to be considered. Among them are the length of the marriage, whether other assets are available in the event of the dissolution of the marriage, the marital lifestyle, and the ages of the parties. All of these factors are taken into consideration. Absent actual knowledge of all of those factors, it’s hard to determine what the actual amount or term would be.

Ignoring Alimony Payments | Am I Entitled to Alimony?

As an experienced New Jersey family law attorney, I often speak to my clients about whether or not they will be automatically entitled to alimony after a divorce. Alimony is dependent on the income of each of the parties. Having young children in a marriage will greatly influence alimony. Basically, every case will be different in regards to alimony.

If you are having any issues with alimony, please contact experienced New Jersey family law attorney Brian Freeman today for legal aid. Our office also offers a free initial consultation.