Modern Family: 3 Parents 1 Child

Do you have questions about a modern family: 3 parents 1 child? Read this article for guidance, then contact our attorney to get started today.

More courts allowing three parents of one child

Modern Family 3 Parents 1 ChildBy JENNIFER PELTZ, Associated Press

NEW YORK — Sixteen-year-old Madison’s family clustered for a photo in a California courtroom, commemorating the day it finally became official that she has three parents.

The adults she calls Mom, Dad and Mama were all there for her birth, after the women decided to have a child together and approached a male friend. They shared time with Madison and input on raising her. Their Christmas Day traditions involve all of them.

But legally, Victoria Bianchi became her daughter’s parent only this fall, joining a small but growing number of Americans who have persuaded courts and legislatures to give legal recognition to what’s sometimes called “tri-parenting.” — Read the entire family law story on