Divorced and Terrified of Living Alone

Are you divorced and terrified of living alone? Check out this article for guidance, then contact our New Jersey attorney to get started,

Divorced and Terrified? The 1 Thing You Need to Know About Living Alone

Divorced and Terrified of Living AloneOnce the dust has settled after your divorce, you will be making your first push at “going at it alone.” And, more likely than not, you are a bit scared of being by yourself. Terrified, even.

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But you don’t have to be! Sure, the run-of-the-mill scenario for living alone after a divorce is one of fear and loneliness. But realistically, living alone doesn’t have to be as terrifying as it seems. You just have to keep one thing in mind as you advance into your new life living solo.

But first — recognize that ‘alone’ doesn’t have to be ‘lonely’

For starters, recognizing the difference between these two words is huge. It’s possible to confuse them, especially when it comes to living alone after a divorce. Perhaps you were with your former partner for a long time and you did everything together, and even the thought of running errands…Read the entire article by Chelena Goldman on CheatSheet.com