A Guide to the Most Common Financial Issues of Divorce

Are you going through the divorce process? We made a guide to the most common financial issues of divorce just for you. Check it out. Call us!

Divorce is stressful emotionally, mentally, physically, and yes, financially. During a divorce, you and your spouse will be forced to make and accept decisions that have a major impact on your current and future financial situation and security. Don’t go into them uneducated and alone. While many people choose to consult a family law attorney in their divorce proceedings, too few engage the expertise of a financial planner and/or CPA.

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To understand some of the basics, here is a guide to some of the biggest financial concerns of a divorce. For more information on how to handle these financial concerns, be sure to check out How to Deal with the Financial Impacts of Divorce, which also includes discussion of child support and alimony.  Read the entire article on the Balance.com