Filing for Alimony? Here’s What You Need To Do

Filing for Alimony? Here’s What You Need To Do

Are you filing for alimony? Here’s what you need to do: read this article for guidance, then contact our New Jersey lawyers to get started.

What is Alimony?

Alimony will generally be awarded when one spouse earns significantly more than the other. Several factors have to be considered. Among them are the length of the marriage, whether other assets are available in the event of the dissolution of the marriage, the marital lifestyle, and the ages of the parties. All of these factors are taken into consideration. Absent actual knowledge of all of those factors, it’s hard to determine what the actual amount or term would be.

Calculating Alimony Payments

  • There is no specific calculation or formula for alimony.
  • The judge will take a 1/4-1/3 of the difference between the parties incomes as a starting basis for alimony.

Will I Automatically be Entitled to Alimony?

  • Alimony is dependent on the income of each of the parties.
  • Having young children in a marriage will greatly influence Alimony.
  • Every case can be different in regards to Alimony.

Not Paying the Court Ordered Alimony Payments

  • The receiving spouse is required to file a motion that with enforce payment.
  • The non paying party could be placed in jail, or have their driver’s license suspended for failure to pay.

Download Our Free Divorce Guide

If you are going through a divorce and are filing for alimony? Here’s what you need to do: contact our dedicated and experienced New Jersey Family Law Attorney Brian Freeman for a free confidential consultation and legal case evaluation.

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