Understanding How Child Support Works

Navigating the child support process can be complex and daunting, especially if you’re unfamiliar with the procedures involved. At Freeman Law Center, LLC., we understand the importance of clarity and empowerment in such matters. In this guide, we’ll delve into the intricacies of how child support works, ensuring you’re equipped with the knowledge and understanding necessary to navigate the process with confidence.

What is Child Support?

Child support is a legal obligation typically imposed on non-custodial parents to contribute financially to the upbringing and care of their children. It encompasses various expenses, including — but not limited to — housing, food, clothing, education, and medical care.

Establishing a Court Order

Securing a court order is essential for formalizing the terms of child support. This order outlines the specific amount of support to be paid by the non-custodial parent, along with considerations such as custody arrangements and visitation rights. Our team at Freeman Law Center, LLC. provides guidance throughout this process, ensuring your rights and obligations are clearly defined and upheld.

Paying and Receiving Child Support

The Child Support Agency oversees the collection and distribution of support payments. Various methods are available for both paying and receiving child support, ranging from traditional payment channels to electronic transfers. Our firm educates clients on these options, ensuring efficient and transparent transactions.

Firm Overview

Brian Freeman


New Jersey Attorney Kisha Pinnock

Kisha J. Pinnock


Firm Overview

Michael J. Cicala

Of Counsel

Firm Overview

Nilaja Ford

Of Counsel

Michael Wiseberg

Of Counsel

Enforcement of Child Support Obligations

In cases where a parent fails to meet their support obligations, legal enforcement may be necessary. Our attorneys are well-versed in the enforcement tools available, advocating for our clients’ rights through court intervention and other legal mechanisms.

Support Initiatives and Programs

At Freeman Law Center, LLC., we are committed to supporting New Jersey families in accessing the resources they need. We actively participate in initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency and effectiveness of child support services, ensuring that children receive the support they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

What role does the custodial parent play in the child support process?

The custodial parent, typically the one with primary physical custody of the child, plays a vital role in the child support process. They have the right to seek financial support from the non-custodial parent to ensure the child’s needs are adequately met. Additionally, the custodial parent may be required to provide documentation and cooperate with the child support enforcement agency to facilitate the establishment and enforcement of support orders.

Are there circumstances where child support may be waived or reduced?

In certain situations, child support obligations may be waived or reduced by agreement between the parents or by court order. Factors that may influence such decisions include shared parenting arrangements, financial hardships, or the presence of extenuating circumstances such as medical expenses or disability. However, it’s crucial to seek legal advice before attempting to modify or waive child support obligations to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Mr. Freeman represented me in a child custody case during the beginning of difficult times of Covid. As a father, I was at first worried about what the outcome of the case Maybe. However, Mr. Freeman assured me he would get me my rights.

Thanks to knowledgeable Mr. Freeman and his professional staff, I was granted my rights. Cindy & Mr. Freeman were able to answer all my questions without delay. Highly recommend!


If you need a great family lawyer I recommend the freeman law center without hesitation. My life was a complete shambles because of the divorce I had to go through I didn’t know that i could feel so bad. The efforts that I received from Brian was outstanding and I can’t put in words how much I appreciated the way I was treated by his staff.

Their slogan “Quality and Commitment” was not just words it was action.


What happens if a parent fails to comply with a child support order?

Failure to comply with a child support order can have serious consequences. The non-compliant parent may face enforcement actions such as wage garnishment, seizure of assets, suspension of driver’s licenses or professional licenses, and even contempt of court charges, which could result in fines or imprisonment. It’s essential for both parents to understand their obligations and seek legal recourse if issues arise.

How does the child support process differ for unmarried parents?

Unmarried parents may face unique challenges in establishing paternity and securing child support orders. In such cases, paternity must be legally established before child support obligations can be enforced. This may involve genetic testing, voluntary acknowledgment of paternity, or court proceedings. Once paternity is established, the child support process generally follows a similar trajectory as it would for divorcing parents, with court-ordered support arrangements tailored to the specific circumstances of the case.

Can child support orders be modified after they are established?

Child support orders are not set in stone and can be modified under certain circumstances. Changes in income, employment status, health care needs, or the child’s living arrangements may warrant a modification of support orders. However, modifications must be approved by the court and typically require demonstrating a substantial change in circumstances since the original order was issued.

What role does the state child support agency play in the process?

State child support agencies are responsible for administering and enforcing child support orders. They provide various services, including locating absent parents, establishing paternity, calculating support obligations, and enforcing compliance with court orders. These agencies serve as valuable resources for both custodial and non-custodial parents seeking assistance with child support matters.

Are there alternatives to traditional litigation for resolving child support disputes?

Yes, alternatives such as mediation or collaborative law processes offer parents a less adversarial means of resolving child support disputes. These methods emphasize cooperation and communication, allowing parents to negotiate mutually agreeable support arrangements with the assistance of trained professionals. Mediation, in particular, can be beneficial in preserving parental relationships and minimizing the emotional toll on children involved.

How long does child support typically last?

Child support obligations generally continue until the child reaches the age of majority, which is 19 in New Jersey. However, support may extend beyond this age if the child is still in high school, has special needs, or other exceptional circumstances warrant continued support. It’s essential to review the terms of the support order and applicable state laws to determine the duration of support obligations in specific cases.

Can child support payments be modified retroactively?

In some cases, child support modifications may be applied retroactively to the date of filing a modification request. However, retroactive modifications are typically limited to specific circumstances, such as when the requesting party experiences a significant change in circumstances that justifies retroactive adjustment. It’s advisable to seek legal guidance to understand the implications of retroactive modifications and ensure compliance with relevant laws.

What resources are available for parents seeking assistance with child support matters?

Numerous resources are available to parents navigating the child support process, including legal aid organizations, family law attorneys, and online support calculators provided by state agencies. Additionally, educational materials, workshops, and support groups can offer valuable information and emotional support to parents facing child support-related challenges. It’s essential to explore these resources to ensure informed decision-making and effective resolution of child support matters.

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Navigating the complexities of the child support process can be overwhelming, but you don’t have to face it alone. At Freeman Law Center, LLC., we provide compassionate and experienced legal guidance to families like yours. Our team of attorneys understands the importance of securing fair and equitable child support arrangements that prioritize the well-being of your children.

By choosing Freeman Law Center, LLC. as your legal advocate, you gain access to a wealth of knowledge and resources tailored to your unique needs. Whether you’re seeking assistance with establishing paternity, securing a court order, or enforcing support obligations, we are here to help every step of the way.

Don’t let uncertainty and confusion hinder your ability to provide for your family’s future. Take control of your situation today by scheduling a consultation with Freeman Law Center, LLC. Our compassionate attorneys will work tirelessly to ensure your rights are protected and your children receive the support they deserve.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward securing a brighter tomorrow for your family. With Freeman Law Center, LLC. by your side, you can face the child support process with confidence and peace of mind.