Understanding Joint Legal Custody in New Jersey

Are you facing child custody concerns in New Jersey? Navigating the complexities of child custody arrangements can be daunting, but at Freeman Law Center, LLC., we’re here to guide you through the process. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the various child custody options available in New Jersey, with a focus on joint legal custody. Let’s delve into what joint legal custody entails, its advantages, considerations, and how it compares to other custody arrangements.

Firm Overview

Brian Freeman


New Jersey Attorney Kisha Pinnock

Kisha J. Pinnock


Firm Overview

Michael J. Cicala

Of Counsel

Firm Overview

Nilaja Ford

Of Counsel

Michael Wiseberg

Of Counsel

What is Joint Legal Custody?

Joint legal custody is a prevalent form of child custody arrangement in New Jersey. Under this arrangement, both parents actively participate in making major decisions concerning their child’s upbringing, including matters related to health, education, and general welfare. While one parent typically serves as the primary residential custodian, both parents share the responsibility of decision-making.

Advantages of Joint Legal Custody

One of the primary benefits of joint legal custody is that it allows children to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents. By involving both parents in decision-making, children can benefit from the input, perspectives, and involvement of both parents in crucial aspects of their lives. Additionally, joint legal custody fosters cooperation between parents, encouraging them to communicate and collaborate in the best interests of their children.

Considerations for Joint Legal Custody

While joint legal custody offers numerous advantages, it’s essential to consider various factors before opting for this arrangement. Parents must be willing to communicate effectively and cooperate with each other, putting aside any conflicts or disagreements for the sake of their children. Additionally, logistical considerations such as proximity between parents’ residences, work schedules, and children’s activities play a crucial role in determining the feasibility of joint legal custody.

Contrasting Custody Arrangements

In addition to joint legal custody, New Jersey provides other custody options, including sole legal and physical custody and shared legal and physical custody. Sole legal and physical custody grants one parent the authority to make all major decisions regarding the child without consulting the non-custodial parent. On the other hand, shared legal and physical custody entails a more equitable division of parenting time, often through alternating schedules.

Crafting a Custody Plan

At Freeman Law Center, LLC., we understand that every family is unique, and there is no one-size-fits-all approach to child custody. During an initial consultation with one of our experienced family law attorneys, we’ll carefully assess your situation, discuss your preferences and concerns, and tailor a custody plan that aligns with your family’s needs and circumstances.

Our attorneys will consider various factors, including work schedules, children’s activities, travel arrangements, childcare needs, and the involvement of extended family members, to develop a comprehensive custody and parenting time plan that prioritizes the best interests of your children.

Mr. Freeman represented me in a child custody case during the beginning of difficult times of Covid. As a father, I was at first worried about what the outcome of the case Maybe. However, Mr. Freeman assured me he would get me my rights.

Thanks to knowledgeable Mr. Freeman and his professional staff, I was granted my rights. Cindy & Mr. Freeman were able to answer all my questions without delay. Highly recommend!


If you need a great family lawyer I recommend the freeman law center without hesitation. My life was a complete shambles because of the divorce I had to go through I didn’t know that i could feel so bad. The efforts that I received from Brian was outstanding and I can’t put in words how much I appreciated the way I was treated by his staff.

Their slogan “Quality and Commitment” was not just words it was action.


Frequently Asked Questions

How does joint legal custody benefit children in the long term?

Joint legal custody provides children with the opportunity to maintain meaningful relationships with both parents, ensuring they have access to the emotional support, guidance, and resources of both parents as they grow and develop. Research suggests that children who have ongoing and positive relationships with both parents tend to fare better emotionally, socially, and academically in the long term.

What happens if parents cannot agree on major decisions in a joint legal custody arrangement?

In cases where parents cannot reach an agreement on major decisions despite their best efforts, they may seek mediation or alternative dispute resolution methods to resolve conflicts amicably. If mediation proves unsuccessful, the court may intervene to make decisions in the child’s best interests based on the evidence presented.

Are there situations where joint legal custody may not be suitable?

While joint legal custody is beneficial in many cases, there are situations where it may not be suitable, such as instances involving domestic violence, substance abuse, or a significant power imbalance between parents. In such cases, the safety and well-being of the child may necessitate alternative custody arrangements.

How can parents ensure effective communication and cooperation in a joint legal custody arrangement?

Effective communication and cooperation are essential components of successful joint legal custody arrangements. Parents can establish clear lines of communication, set aside differences, and prioritize their child’s needs and interests. Utilizing tools such as co-parenting apps or scheduling regular check-ins can facilitate communication and collaboration.

What role do parenting plans play in joint legal custody arrangements?

Parenting plans outline the logistics of how joint legal custody will be implemented, including schedules for parenting time, methods of communication, and protocols for decision-making. By establishing clear guidelines and expectations, parenting plans help mitigate conflicts and promote consistency in co-parenting.

How does New Jersey law prioritize the best interests of the child in custody proceedings?

New Jersey law places paramount importance on the best interests of the child in custody proceedings. Courts consider various factors, including the child’s safety, health, and emotional well-being, as well as each parent’s ability to provide a stable and nurturing environment.

What steps can parents take to modify custody arrangements if circumstances change?

If circumstances change significantly, such as a parent relocating or a change in the child’s needs, parents may petition the court for a modification of custody arrangements. Courts will evaluate the requested modification based on whether it serves the child’s best interests and is warranted given the changed circumstances.

How can parents minimize the impact of divorce or separation on their children in a joint legal custody arrangement?

Parents can minimize the impact of divorce or separation on their children by prioritizing their children’s emotional well-being, maintaining consistency and stability in their routines, and refraining from involving children in parental conflicts. Additionally, seeking counseling or support services for both parents and children can help navigate the challenges of co-parenting post-separation.

What resources are available to parents navigating child custody issues in New Jersey?

Parents navigating child custody issues in New Jersey can access a range of resources, including legal aid organizations, support groups, and educational materials provided by reputable family law firms like Freeman Law Center, LLC. These resources offer valuable information, guidance, and support to help parents make informed decisions and advocate for their children’s best interests.

What role do child custody attorneys play in helping parents navigate joint legal custody arrangements?

Child custody attorneys play a crucial role in guiding parents through the complexities of joint legal custody arrangements. They provide legal advice, advocate for their clients’ rights, and help negotiate custody agreements that prioritize the best interests of the children involved. Additionally, attorneys can represent parents in court proceedings and ensure their voices are heard throughout the process.

Here to Help

Joint legal custody offers an opportunity for both parents to actively participate in decision-making concerning their children’s upbringing, fostering cooperation and shared responsibility. However, it’s essential to consider various factors and seek guidance from experienced legal professionals when determining the most suitable custody arrangement for your family.

If you’re facing child custody concerns in New Jersey, don’t hesitate to reach out to Freeman Law Center, LLC. Our dedicated team of family law attorneys are here to advocate for your rights, protect your children’s welfare, and guide you through every step of the custody process. Contact us today to schedule an initial consultation and take the first step towards securing your family’s future. Your children deserve nothing less than the best, and we’re here to help you achieve it.